Art is a great way to add some of your own personality to an interior. Choosing the right accessories to go with an interior is as important as choosing the colour of the walls.So when looking for a unique work of art for any space, keep in mind that we have some great pieces at Alfies that must be seen. For this blog I am looking specifically at abstract art.
Abstract art uses a visual language of form, colour and line to create a composition which, to a certain degree doesn't represent our own visual references. It indicates a departure from reality, this can be slight, partial or complete. There are a few famous examples of abstract artists. One of the first ones was Kandinsky,(born 1866-1944) he created the first completely abstract work of art, a watercolour without any reference to reality.
Untitled (First Abstract Watercolor). 1910 (1913). Pencil, watercolor and ink on paper.
In Alfies I found some special pieces, this is a great examples of abstract art from Bent Ply,(F40-45)
John Lancaster c.1960's
The picture below comes from Peran Dachinger's Fine Art located on the first floor (F20)
The picture below comes from Peran Dachinger's Fine Art located on the first floor (F20)

Richard Ott, Mixed media on wood
Another very famous abstract artist is Jackson Pollack. Paul Jackson Pollock was a very influential American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionism movement. In the process of making his works of art he moved away from figurative representation completly. He used paint pouring as one of his unusual techniques and painted with his canvases laid out on the floor, developing what was called the 'drip' technique, see picture below.
The painting below from Bent Ply, resembles Pollacks chaotic style and would make a very bold statement in any room. The colours are very striking!
Cubism, one of the first abstract styles, began in the early 1900's. The cubists tried to create a new way of seeing things in art, many of their subjects were represented as a combination of geometric shapes. Because of this cubist pictures are often described as looking like pieces of fractured glass. This picture from Peran Dachinger's Fine Art is very cubist in style.

K. Sancto 1963
The above painting is from Dimech (F046-49). The colours are very dark and subtle.
Lastly is my personal favourite, this is only partially abstract as there are some recognisable figures in the painting, but the lines are really fine and delicate contrasting with the childlike scribbles. A really great painting, from Hungarian artist Antonyi, also from Dimech
Lastly is my personal favourite, this is only partially abstract as there are some recognisable figures in the painting, but the lines are really fine and delicate contrasting with the childlike scribbles. A really great painting, from Hungarian artist Antonyi, also from Dimech
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