'Dainty Afternoon Tea Poster', ca.1935. From Dodo.As far as great British customs go, drinking tea surely must be one of the greatest. A cuppa for breakfast, another with the afternoon scone, always one or two in between and certainly one to finish off the long working day. At Alfies this week we had a look around to find those items - dried leaves to the side - that help Britain's love for tea stand the test of time and feed the long loving tradition!
From beautiful flowery sets...
Carlton Ware 'Tea for Two' Set. From W&L Antiques
Susie Cooper for Wedgewood Cornpoppy design set, 1974. From Daumieres.
Japanese high grade silver 4 piece set. From Janes Antiques.

...over pieces for that special time alone...
Very rare tea bowl and saucer, Worcester ca 1755. From Janes Antiques. ...to stunning tea pots!